“Literacy is the single most significant skill needed to function effectively in school, in the workplace, and in society… it is vital to a successful education, career and quality of life.” -author unknown
Private schools & daycare centers
Building a solid foundation in Literacy
Creating meaningful experiences for children in schools that foster the skills and abilities they need to become successful readers and writers is no easy task. My mission is to deliver personalized support to schools that will grow and develop curricular programs & staff aligned to the Science of Reading. I have the tools and experience to make a profound impact at your organization.
​​The following five areas must be considered when designing an effective literacy program:
Literacy Standards
Professional Development & Teacher Education
Assessment & Accountability
School to Home Connections
Instructional Focus Calendar
What is it?
An Instructional Focus Calendar, or IFC, is a step-by-step approach for both short term and long term curriculum and assessment planning at a school or organization. IFCs often contain a collection of units and assessments that align with a set of standards.
Why is it important?
IFCs are important because they allow teachers and administrators to focus on balance between the content across curricula. It allows them to look into each classroom and see what children learn, and helps them gather data on redundancies or gaps in the course content.
Teachers and staff can use Instructional Focus Calendars as a tool to stay organized and as a framework for daily lesson planning.
How do I create one?
Effective curriculum is typically planned backward from long-term, desired results. Creating an Instructional Focus Calendar in this way helps to avoid common problems such as treating the textbook as the curriculum rather than a resource. Using Digital Calendar Applications to create an IFC is an efficient and easy method that can be used and reworked from year to year.